Press coverage





Mönch Verlag


Matti Blume - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 4.0

Berlin.Table Media

Foto: Matti Blume

Asia Pacific Defense Reporter

Foto: Public Domain

Europäische Sicherheit und Technik

July 2023
Foto: ES&T

Neue Zürcher Zeitung/NZZ Format

Foto: NZZ

Defense News

Foto: 21strategies

AI news

Foto: 21strategies


Foto: 21strategies

Fox News Online

Image: dall-e

Wehrtechnischer Report / IT-Report 

Foto: Mittler Report

Neue Zürcher Zeitung/NZZ

Foto: Paebi via Creatice Commons

Press Releases

Mit KI der dritten Welle auf Erfolgskurs 

HENSOLDT makes minority investment in 21strategies

On the road to success with Third Wave AI 

HENSOLDT makes minority investment in 21strategies

Yvonne Hofstetter wird deutsches Mitglied des  NATO DARB

Auswärtiges Amt beruft Prof. Yvonne Hofstetter, CEO 21strategies, in das NATO Data and AI Review Board

Yvonne Hofstetter becomes German member of NATO's DARB 

German Federal Foreign Office appoints Prof. Yvonne Hofstetter, CEO 21strategies, to NATO’s Data and AI Review Board

GhostPlay's analyst team DAIO: Favourite publications

Against the background of a growing body of literature on defense innovation, the paper discusses GhostPlay’s goal to develop context and consequence-aware AI systems that exploit novel tactics to ensure and scale IADS-based protection. The paper sheds light on GhostPlay’s conceptual and technical setup, summarizes
initial simulation-based findings and outlines future development options. 

This open access book portrays the current state of affairs regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) by armed forces around the world. The contributions span a diverse range of geostrategic contexts by providing in-depth case studies on many countries. The book does not speculate about the future implications of AI on armed forces, but rather discusses how armed forces are currently exploring the potential of this emerging technology. 

Claims for the responsible use of Defense AI are ubiquitous. The German Armed Forces face special AI requirements rooting in their unique leadership principle which, in the end, shall rely on human sovereignty and conscience. This paper contemplates the impact of "inner leadership" on the use of tactical AI for the Bundeswehr. 
In German language.  

Like to read much more?

Find the entire list of publications at our DAIO website.

21strategies' blog on national security

Military Tactics Under Fire

Together with DAIO, 21 strategies took an key role part on an expert panel at the ILA (Internationale Luft- und Raumfahrtausstellung Berlin) regarding Software Defined Tactics.

Driving AI Adoption

NATO's DARB (Data and Artificial Intelligence Review Board) advances certification standards for responsible use of AI. 

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